17th & 18th March 2026 in Hamburg
Contact: info@d3con.de or (040) 537 99 11 35

Stefan Schulz

Stefan Schulz

Stefan Schulz


Stefan Schulz holds a BBA in Marketing and is EMEA Marketing Communications Manager at Brady, an international manufacturer of identification and workplace safety solutions. He and his team are responsible for the communications strategy, their planning as well as implementation in the EMEA regions — online and offline. For 20 years now lead generation and lead management in the B2B environment, also in cooperation with sales partners, has been one of his main topics. Marketing automation & digitalization has played an increasingly central role in recent years and the introduction and further development of all marketing automation & eCommerce aspects along the customer journey have become a passion.

Represented in the following tracks at the d3con:

  • 2023 MAIN STAGE: B2B Advertisers Strategy

Stefan Schulz and many more register for the d3con now!