11th & 12th March 2025 in Hamburg

Magnus Schmidt

Magnus Schmidt

Magnus Schmidt


Magnus Schmidt, born in 1971, is a true digital marketing enthusiast. In 2014, the Ulm native founded the first free-floating scooter sharing platform in the world, scoo.me. Prior to this, he worked as an expert in online marketing and business development in various leading roles for companies including PAYBACK GmbH. He has also held management positions in United Internet Media AG, webmiles GmbH, a company belonging to the Bertelsmann Group, and mobile marketing solutions provider YOC AG. In July 2017, Schmidt joined MediaCom in Munich as a managing partner, where he was responsible for the on-site development of digital business. As a sales and marketing specialist, Magnus Schmidt focuses on holistic approaches to digital added value and has published numerous professional articles on the topic of digital communication.

Represented in the following tracks at the d3con:

  • 2018 WORKSHOPS: Online Marketing Clinic – Ask the experts!
  • 2014 ADVERTISER TRACK: Strategies of the large data providers

Magnus Schmidt and many more register for the d3con now!