11th & 12th March 2025 in Hamburg

Angela Kim

Angela Kim

Angela Kim


Angela Kim, born 1970 in Cologne, studied Business Administration at the Johannes Gutenberg – University Mainz. Following her studies she worked as a communication consultant for clients as Ferrero, Cofresco, Ehapa und Vodafone at the media Agency Vizeum (DentsuAegis Network) 2002 she moved to Ferrero Germany as a Media Manager, was responsible for the media approach of different Ferrero brands 2013 she took over the lead of the DCC (Digital Competence Center) and is today responsible for the digital transformation of Ferrero Germany

Represented in the following tracks at the d3con:

  • 2017 ADVERTISER TRACK: Panel of experts: Programmatic 2017

Angela Kim and many more register for the d3con now!