17th & 18th March 2026 in Hamburg
Contact: info@d3con.de or (040) 537 99 11 35

Peter Gentsch

Peter Gentsch

Peter Gentsch

Partner diva-e Digital Value Excellence

Peter Gentsch is enterpreneur and one of the top experts in business transformation, digital marketing and artificial intelligence. As the holder of the Chair for International Business Administration at HTW Aalen with a focus on Digital Marketing & Artificial intelligence, he regularly accompanies studies on these topics.
Peter Gentsch has been involved with digitization in theory and practice since the 1990s, making him one of the pioneers in Germany. He is the author of numerous nationally and internationally excellent publications and as a keynote speaker he enthuses his international audience with his vivid and entertaining personality.
In 2010, he got the Innovation Prize of the German Market Research in cooperation with Lufthansa. Together with DHL, he won the International Digital Communication Award in 2011 and in 2014 the German Prize for Online Communication. Since 2010, he has been responsible for the exclusive Digital-Excellence-Zirkel, to which Audi, Bosch, Daimler, Lufthansa, Microsoft, Telekom and Otto belong.

Represented in the following tracks at the d3con:

  • 2019 UNI I:

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