11th & 12th March 2025 in Hamburg

Ralf Scharnhorst

Ralf Scharnhorst

Ralf Scharnhorst

Scharnhorst Media, m42m

Ralf Scharnhorst is an consultant for marketing strategies and campaigns. He was one of the first online media buyers in Germany back in 1996. From 1998 he was with SinnerSchrader, growing the 17-employee-startup to Germany's leading digital agency. From 2006 to 2008 he established the international network of Havas Media / Media Contacts in Germany as managing director. He teaches at Macromedia University and loves to write - from Twitter messages to the eBook “Data driven advertising finally understandable” for d3con. He started his own business 2008 consulting advertisers. For M&A purposes he evaluates companies in the marketing, digital and e-commerce area. Also he delivers knowledge about the German market for companies from abroad.

Represented in the following tracks at the next d3con:

Represented in the following tracks at the d3con:

  • 2024 MAIN STAGE: d3con 2024 Summary

  • 2024 MAIN STAGE: The Future of Digital Marketing 2024

  • 2024 MAIN STAGE: Leading Advertisers Strategy

  • 2023 MAIN STAGE: d3con 2023 Summary

  • 2023 MAIN STAGE: Leading Advertisers Strategy

  • 2022 MAIN STAGE: d3con 2022 Summary Panel

  • 2022 STAGE II: Telco Marketing: Challenges in a Saturated Market with Exchangeable Products

  • 2022 MAIN STAGE: Leading Advertisers Strategy

  • 2021 MASTERCLASSES II: Display advertising market in Germany - quo vadis?

  • 2021 MAIN STAGE: Leading Advertisers Strategy

  • 2019 STAGE II: What Can I Learn for My Business from Election Campaigning?

  • 2019 MAIN STAGE: Top Brand Advertisers’ Strategy

  • 2019 UNI I:

  • 2019 UNI III:
  • 2019 UNI III:
  • 2018 MAIN STAGE: Top Brand advertisers’ Strategy

  • 2018 MAIN STAGE: GDPR & ePrivacy – how new data protection rules are changing the industry

  • 2018 UNI I:

  • 2018 UNI I:

  • 2018 UNI I:

  • 2018 UNI I:

  • 2017 ADVERTISER TRACK: Panel of experts: Programmatic 2017

  • 2017 UNI IV: TBD
  • 2017 UNI IV: TBD
  • 2017 UNI IV:
  • 2017 UNI I:

  • 2017 UNI I:

  • 2017 UNI I:

  • 2016 PUBLISHER/VERMARKTER TRACK: RTA outside the display world
  • 2016 ADVERTISER TRACK: Expert panel: Programmatic 2016
  • 2015 ADVERTISER TRACK: More Brand Advertisers!

  • 2015 ADVERTISER TRACK: Top Brand-Advertisers' Experience Sharing
  • 2015 ADVERTISER TRACK: Keynote


  • 2014 PUBLISHER/VERMARKTER TRACK: Entrepreneurs' Panel

  • 2014 ADVERTISER TRACK: Top Brand Advertisers' Experience Sharing

  • 2014 ADVERTISER TRACK: d3con 1 on 1: Will there still be classic media agencies in 5 years?

  • 2013 ADVERTISER TRACK: Best Practice: User Journey Tracking 2013

  • 2013 ADVERTISER TRACK: Third party data today: How do advertisers and agencies generate value for their campaigns from third party data?
  • 2013 PUBLISHER/VERMARKTER TRACK: Publisher Panel: 2013 thoughts and positions about SSPs and Yield Optimization

Ralf Scharnhorst and many more register for the d3con now!