11th & 12th March 2025 in Hamburg

Paco Panconcelli

Paco Panconcelli

Paco Panconcelli


Paco has 15 years of experience in the German online marketing industry. He started supporting Germanys pioneer in recruitainment CYQUEST to grow from start-up to being market leader. For more than five years he worked in various positions in the sales team of Advertising.com. After Advertising.com's acquisition through AOL for $435 million Paco took over the product management team of AOL Germany. In 2011 Paco joined publishing house IDG Germany as Vice President Sales where he was in charge of the B2C sales team. He is now Managing Director of Quantcast Germany.

Represented in the following tracks at the d3con:

  • 2015 ADVERTISER TRACK: 5x5x5 best practice

Paco Panconcelli and many more register for the d3con now!